Painting Projects

2023  Cosmic Energy and the Golden Flower - 宇宙エネルギーと黄金の花 [Introduction - 解説] .. [Paintings - 絵] 
  M50 (72.7 x 116.7 cm.; 45.9 x 28.6 in.)
2023 When the World Sleeps - 世界が寝る時  (Painting - 絵)
  F50 (116.7 x 91.0 cm.; 45.9 x 35.8 in.) 
Reworked paintings - 再加工された絵画

Inspired by Oga Seiji-san's painting "Memory" (2022), I reworked the following 2020 paintings:

...Arcs of Consciousness (意識の弧), 2022
...Gaia Rising (ガイア・ライジング), 2022
...Hallelujah (ハレルヤ), 2022
...Poseidon's Ire (ポセイドンの怒り), 2022
...Friends, which is renamed The Secret, 2022. フレンズ、2022年ザ・シークレットに改名

Zoom-in to enlarge the images. ズームインして画像をかくだいする。


Courage - 勇気  [Introduction - 解説 - Paintings - 絵]

  Six portraits of emotional and spiritual courage.
Whimsies 2021 - 気紛れ2021  [Introduction - 解説]  .. [Paintings - 絵]
  Seven Chakras and Seven Whimsies.   七つのチャクラと七つの気まぐれ。
2021 Minerals Plants Animals etc. - ミネラル植物度物など  [Paintings - 絵]
  Three new paintings (2021).  新作3点(2021年)。
Paintings of various sizes. (2000-2020).  大小様々な絵画。 (2000-2020)
Whimsies 2020 - 気紛れ  [Introduction - 解説] .. [Paintings - 絵]
  Three quirky paintings.  3枚の気まぐれの絵画。
Red Yellow Blue - 赤い 黄色 青い  [Introduction - 解説] .. [Paintings - 絵]
  Three paintings: primary color studies.  三枚の絵画:原色の勉強。

Acrylic on raw canvas, F60 (130.3 x 97.0 cm.; 51.3 x 38.2 in.) 
Arcs of Consciousness: Instinct, Innocence, Insight 意識の弧: 本能、無実、洞察  [Introduction - 解説] .. [Paintings - 絵]
  Fragments of Universal Consciousness seeking to return to itself.  自分自身に戻ろうとする宇宙意識の断片。

Oil on canvas, F50 (116.7 x 91.0 cm.; 45.9 x 35.8 in.)
Hallelujah - ハレルヤ  [Introdcution - 解説] .. [Paintings - 絵]
  On Leonard Cohen's song, Hallelujah.  レナード・コーエンの歌、ハレルヤについて。

Oil on canvas, F50 (116.7 x 91.å0 cm.; 45.9 x 35.8 in.) 
Crossroads [Introduction - 解説] .. [Paintings - 絵]
  Comments about the world we live in. (2019-2020).    私達が住んでいる世界についてのコメント。 
2020 Portraits - 肖像画  [Paintings - 絵]
  Portraitures of various sizes. (2003-2020).  さまざまなサイズの肖像画。
Memories of South Africa - 南アフリカの思いで  [Paintings - 絵]
  Paintings of various sizes. (2011-2020).  さまざまなサイズの肖像画。
2020 Studies in Green - 緑の研究 [Introduction -解説]  .. [Paintings - 絵]
  Studies contrasting realism with the styles of Rousseau, Les Nabis, Cezanne, and Color Fields.   リアリズムとルソー、セザンヌ、カラーフィールズのスタイルを対比させた五つの研究
2019 Breaking the Journey - 一休 [Introdution] .. [解説]  .. [Paintings - 絵]
  On the way to satori.    悟り行く途中。

Oil on canvas, F30, 91.0 x 72.7 cm. (35.8 x 28.6 in.)
2019 Four Seasons - 四季 [Introduction] .. [解説]  .. [Paintings - 絵]
  Winter: Greeting theWinter Sun 陽の喜び
Spring: Movement in Stillness, Stillness in Movement 静かなる池畔,静と動
Summer: Just Be 現時点
Autumn: 土を戻る

Four four-paneled paintings; oil on wood. (2018-2019)
Each panel is M15 (45.5 x 65.2 cm.; 17.9 x 25.6 in.).
Total painting size: 182 x 65.2 cm. (71.6 x 25.6 in.)
2018 Cosmic Animals - 天の四神 [Introduction] .. [解説]  .. [Paintings - 絵]
  Cosmic Dragon 青龍
Cosmic Vermillion Bird 朱雀
Cosmic Tiger 白虎
Cosmic Warrior (often referred to as the Black Turtle) 玄武

Oil on canvas. (2017-2018)
Triptych size: left and right panels: 1/2 of P25 (30.3 x 80.3 cm.; 11.9 x 31.6 in.).
Center panel: P25 (60.6 x 80.3 cm.; 23.8 x 31.6 in.)
2017 Going Home - 帰る [Paintings - 絵]
  Twenty-two paintings (oil on canvas) of some of the animals on the extinction and the critical extinction lists. Sadly, humans are the principal cause of their impending demise. One can only hope that they are not dying out, but are going to another world they can call home.

22 枚の油彩画は絶滅危惧種あるいは絶滅寸前の動物が描かれています。悲しいことに、主に人間が彼らの差し迫った終焉の原因を作っています。彼らが死ぬのではなく、代わりに別の世界に行くことを願っています。

All paintings: F8 (38.0 x 45.5 cm.; 14.9 x 17.9 in.).
2016 Morecambe Bay - モーカム港 [Introduction - カ移設] .. [Paintings - 絵]

Twenty paintings (oil on canvas) of Morecambe Bay: studies in gray.   モーレカム湾: 20枚の絵画 (油彩、キャンバス): 灰色の勉強。

All paintings: M8 (45.5 x 27.3 cm.; 17.9 x 10.7 in.)

2015 Rivers of Tokyo - 東京の川 [Introduction - 解説] .. [Paintings - 絵]
  Twenty paintings (oil on canvas): river studies.  20 枚の絵画 (キャンバスに油彩): 川の勉強。

All paintings: P8 (33.3 x 45.5 cm.; 13.1 x 17.9 in.)
2014 Green Clouds of Kiyosumi Garden - 清澄庭園の緑の雲 [Introduction - 解説] .. [Paintings - 絵]
  Twenty paintings (oil on canvas): exploring the principles of Chinese landscape painting.  中国の風景画の原理を探る: 20 枚の絵画 (キャンバスに油彩)。

All paintings: P8 (33.3 x 45.5 cm.; 13.1 x 17.9 in.)
2013 Galaxies, Nebulae and Dragons - 銀河, 星雲と龍 [Introdution - 解説] .. [Paintings - 絵]
  Twenty paintings (oil on canvas): studies of color and composition.  色彩と構図の勉強:20 枚の絵画 (キャンバスに油彩)。

All paintings: P8 (33.3 x 45.5 cm.; 13.1 x 17.9 in.)
2012 Bells of London - ロンドンの鐘 [Introduction - 解説] .. [Paintings - 絵]
  Twenty paintings (oil on canvas) of London churches; color studies.  ロンドンの教区協会:20 枚の絵画 (キャンバスに油彩)。

All paintings: P6 (27.3 x 41.0 cm.; 10.7 x 16.1 in.)
2011 Neighborhood Shrines - 祠(ほこら)[Introdution - 解説] .. [Paintings - 絵]
  Twenty-one paintings (oil on canvas) of shrines around Motosumiyoshi neighborhood; studies of color and value. (2009-2011).  色と価値の研究:20 枚の絵画 (キャンバスに油彩)。

All paintings: F6 (31.8 x 41.0 cm., 12.5 x 16.1 in.; or 41.0 x 31.8 cm., 16.1 x 12.5 in.)
2009 Hearts of Flowers - 花の心一芯 [Introduction - 解説] .. [Paintings - 絵]
  Twenty paintings (oil on canvas) of flowers: studies of design and color. (2008-2009).  デザインと色彩の研究:20 枚の絵画 (キャンバスに油彩)。

All paintings: F4 (24.2 x 33.3 cm.; 9.5x 13.1 in.).
2008 Moments - 一瞬 [Paintings - 絵 ]
  Twenty paintings (oil on canvas) of people doing something, or doing nothing. (2007-2008). 何かをしている人々と何もしていない人々の20枚の絵。(キャンバスに油彩、2007-2008)。

Size is noted below each painting.
2007 Impressions from the Daily Yomiuri - 読売新聞から... [Introduction - 解説]  .. [Paintings - 絵]
  Twenty-three paintings (oil on canvas) based on news photos from The Daily Yomiuri, the English language edition of the Japanese newspaper Yomiuri Shimbun. (2001-007)  読売新聞のニュース の写真から:23 枚の絵画 (キャンバスに油彩)

Size is noted below each painting.
2003 Lotus Pond - 睡蓮の池 [Paintings - 絵]
  Twenty paintings (oil on canvas) of lotus blossoms arranged to form a pond. (2001-2003).   蓮の花を池の形に並べた20枚の油の絵。(キャンバスに油彩、 2001-2003)

All paintings: F4 (33.3 x 24.2 cm.; 13.1 x 9.5 in.) or (24.2 x 33.3 cm.; 9.5 x 13.1 in.)
Pre-2000 Six Paintings [Paintings - 絵 ]
 --- Miscellaneous
2023: Shinseisaku Art Association Kanagawa-Tokyo 42th Annual Exhibition: "The Secret "
第42回神奈川東京都新制作絵画展、2023/05/09-15: "秘密" 
2022: Shinseisaku Art Association 85th Annual Exhibitn, National Art Center, Tokyo: "Halellujah"
第85回新制作協会,新国立美術館 2023/09/21-10/03;"ハレルヤ"
2022: Shinseisaku Art Association Kanagawa-Tokyo 41th Annual Exhibition: "Explosion of Time"
第41回神奈川東京都新制作絵画展、2022/05/10-16: "時の爆発" 
2021:  Shinseisaku Art Association 84th Annual Exhibition, National Art Center, Tokyo: "Four Horsemen"
第84回新制作協会,新国立美術館 2021/09/15-26;"聖書の四騎士"
2021: Ueno Mori Museum: "Sparrows"
上野森美術; 2021/08/04-08; "スズメ"
2020: Ueno Mori Museum: "Alert"
上野森美術; 2020/09/16-20
2018:  Genyouten Art Association 49th Annual Exhibition, Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum: "A Gray Day"; Daigaku Award
第49回元陽展、東京都美術館 2018/11/01-08: "花曇り" ; 大額賞
2018:  Shinseisaku Art Association 82nd Annual Exhibition, National Art Center, Tokyo: "Greeting the Winter Sun"
第82回新制作協会、新国立美術館 2018/10/ :"陽の喜び"
2018: Shinseisaku Art Association Kanagawa-Tokyo 39th Annual Exhibition: "Concrete"
第39回神奈川東京都新制作絵画展、2918/07/17-22: "コンクリート" 
2017:  Shinseisaku Art Association 81st Annual Exhibition, National Art Center, Tokyo: "Cosmic Dragon," a triptych
第81回新制作協会,新国立美術館 2017: "宇宙の龍"
2017: Tokyo Frederick Harris Gallery, Tokyo American Club: "Kiyosumi Garden" and "Rivers of Tokyo"
 フレデリックハリスギヤラリー、東京アメリカンクラブ: "清澄庭園"と"東京の川" (Sept. 4-23, 2017)
2014: "Canvas Dreams," inTouch Magazine 2014/01,Tokyo American Club
2011: Tokyo American Club, Frederick Harris Gallery: "Hearts of Flowers" and "Neighborhood Shrines" (setup).
フレデリックハリスギヤラリー,東京アメリカンクラブ: "花の心一芯"と"祠"  (May 9 - 22, 2011)


Artist: Carolyn Dong

updated 2023/06/21