Green Clouds of Kiyosumi Garden

The Japanese Garden
The Japanese garden, though rooted in Shintoism, began assimilating Chinese garden design in the Asuka period (522-645). During the Nara Period (645-794), modest versions of the Imperial gardens of the Tang Dynasty (618-907) were prevalent; but by the end of the Heian period (794-1185), there evolved three distinctive types of gardens: stroll gardens, mansion gardens, and temple gardens. The garden layouts followed the principles of Chinese geomancy (feng shui), using seasonal flowering plants to symbolize impermanence, the Buddhist tenet that all things are transient.


The next wave of Chinese influence came during China's Song dynasty (960-1279). Landscape sketches by Chinese literati and elaborate paintings of Zen temples in Hangzhou impacted Japanese garden design. When the Mongols overran China and established the Yuan Dynasty (1279-1368), many Ch'an priests fled to Japan, bringing further Chinese influence with them, particularly that of the intellectual and artistic pursuits of the Chinese literati.

During the Muromachi period (1392-1573), two new aesthetic ideals were introduced: the rock garden or dry landscape, and the formalization of the tea ceremony. Rock gardens reflected Zen principles of spontaneity, extreme simplicity, and moderation. The three-Buddha arrangement (of the Buddha and two Bodhisattvas) was central to the design. In contrast, tea gardens were lush, green, and small in nature. The design invited visitors to relax and leave their worries behind. A path led to a bench where the visitor could compose himself and get into a proper frame of mind for the tea ceremony.


Sakuteiki (作庭記, Records of Garden Making, ca. 11th c.), is the first manuscript written about landscape design. Until then, concepts were passed down orally. It was not a practical manuscript with information on garden plants and placement of stones, but a theoretical book which exhorted garden landscapers to look for the "genius of the place," and to strive for a sense of unity in their design. In this manner, Japanese garden designers gradually introduced their own sense of aesthetics in accordance with Japanese materials and Japanese culture.


By the Edo period (1615-1868), what we know now as Japanese gardens came into their own. Today, most gardens combine the three major styles into one stroll garden, where visitors are invited to walk around the carefully composed landscape containing a rock garden and a tea garden.

 Chinese Landscape Painting
Traditional Chinese landscape painting (shan-shui painting), was considered the highest form of Chinese painting. It matured during the Northern Song dynasty (the early part of the Song Dynasty, 960-1127) when Taoism was at its height. The Taoist view of man as nothing more than a mere speck in the cosmos was influential in the Chinese landscape paintings of this period. Vast panoramas represented the whole universe. Intricate and realistic scenes were placed in the foreground; infinite space with distant mountain peaks rising out of mists and high clouds formed the background.


These landscape paintings contain three key elements: a path, a threshold and a heart. The path need not be man-made; it can be a river, or the tracing of sunlight along the outline of a pine tree. But it must be crooked and winding, and it must lead to a threshold. The threshold is what captures the viewer's attention and guides him into the heart, or the focal point, of the painting. The journey along the path to the heart is an expression of the artist's yearning for the spiritual, the remote, and the unattainable.

When neo-Confucionism gained popularity during the Southern Song dynasty (the latter part of the Song Dynasty, 1127-1279), it also changed the style of Chinese landscape painting. Sweeping landscapes of the Northern Song became visually smaller and more focused in scope; intimate scenes replaced vast panoramas. Despite changes in philosophical trends, the concept of harmony between man and nature remained a constant in Chinese thought. The universe is seen in constant flux, emerging from and returning to a state of formlessness (wu chi). Harmony exists because all things are related and interconnected. The same elements and energies present in the macrocosm are also in the microcosm.
The Chinese Literati

During the Song dynasty there emerged a new class, the scholar-artists or literati, who considered painting a highly sophisticated form of self-expression. They rebelled against realistic, colorful paintings with highly conventional representations of people or things. They considered painters who accepted monetary payment for their work as mere craftsmen, no better than tradesmen in the market place. The real goal of art, they said, was not to imitate the world we see, but to transform feeling and mood into visual data. It was not the skill in painting but the expression of one's inner spirit that was paramount.



This series, Green Clouds of Kiyosumi Garden, is a study using shan-sui (mountain-water) techniques and some principles of the Chinese literati. Shan-shui embodies the yin-yang principle of ever-present change.
  What is yin will become yang; what is yang will become yin.
Inherent in yin is yang; inherent in yang is yin.
This dichotomy is both opposing and complementary.
  That which transforms is yang, that which is transformed is yin;
that which is active is yang, that which is still is yin.
Heaven is yang, earth is yin;
mountain is yang, water is yin.
In landscape paintings, mountains (form) emerge from mist (formless) and disappear into clouds.




The garden design "borrowed scenery" deliberately utilizes the surrounding landscape to create an illusion of depth in a small garden. In this series, the concept is reversed; the trees surrounding the Kiyosumi Garden have become green mountains and high clouds, isolating the garden from everyday life and turning the scene into an illusionary world. This imaginary element is the counterpoint to the realism of the foreground. Together, they form a yin and yang relationship, where the insubstantial is the illusion and the substantial is the realistic depiction.

The landscape is transformed into a personal interpretation of the mood of the garden through adjustments of "what is" to "what is imagined". Paths and ponds are modified to lead the viewer's eyes to a threshold−an element of the scenery chosen to hold the viewer's attention in the painting. A sphere, symbolic of the yin-yang principle, is the heart of the painting − the mysterious, unattainable aspect of the landscape. Moreover, certain elements are reinterpreted. For example, the rock representing Buddha becomes an Abhaya mudra of protection, reassurance and blessing. Sculpted pine trees are deliberately rendered more cloud-like. And dry rocks become a river in moonlight.

Each painting is an attempt to capture the stillness and the flow, the hidden and the revealed. Those who are familiar with Kiyosumi Garden will still be able to recognize its elements. But the paintings are no longer of the garden. Rather, it is an invitation see what the garden represents, to experience the yin and the yang, to enter the mysterious realm of the sphere.
Please have a look and enjoy!


翻訳者: 藤原真実先生    (Translation by Prof. Mami Fujiwara)

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