Galaxies, Nebulae and Dragons

銀河, 星雲, 龍
Unlike the European dragon, the Asian dragon is a symbol of power, strength, and good fortune. It is associated with the primal forces of nature and the universe. This project was to be Asian dragons and cloud formations. However, as interesting as cloud formations are, they do not provide a good basis for this project because of the limited vantage point (earth to sky).

Fortunately, I was not forced to give up on this idea because NASA's website "Astronomy Picture of the Day" [] provides a wealth of photographs of galaxies, nebulae and star-forming cocoons which could be used in lieu of clouds.

Narrowband images are used to create "false color." Colors are assigned transmission wavelengths to distinguish elements in space. For example, the Hubble Palette assigns red for sulfur, green for hydrogen alpha, and blue for oxygen. Whereas the Canada France Hawaii Telescope uses red for hydrogen alpha, green for oxygen, and blue for sulfur or nitrogen.

I used Holbein's alizarin crimson, hydrangea blue, cadmium yellow lemon, cadmium yellow light and titanium white to create all the colors and the nuances of black in these paintings. The variations of black one can create just using 3 primary colors are amazing.

It was not easy to work from these astronomy photographs. The camera tends to flatten images and distort distances. So it is the up to the artist to accentuate depth using various techniques like overlapping, clarity, and tempering color to force objects to appear closer or farther away. (Unfortunately, the camera is no better at recording color nuances in the paintings than it is in recording reality. Nor am I versed enough in photography to overcome its deficiencies!)

Incorporating a dragon into the composition was the fun part. One could almost make up stories about what the dragon was doing.

Click on the image for an enlarged photograph. There is a dragon in each painting, but some are so well hidden you need to "zoom in" to find them. 拡大するには画像をクリックしてください。それぞれの絵の中に竜が描かれていますが、いくつかはうまく隠れているので、見つけるには拡大する必要があります。
Please enjoy!


翻訳者: 藤原真実先生    (Translation by Prof. Mami Fujiwara)


