Neighborhood Shrines (and a Temple)

I have chosen neighborhood shrines as the subject for exploring several technical issues in oil painting. Shrines are universal. Few people would have difficulty understanding their symbolic meaning −− they are avenues through which man communicates with the Divine. The shrines in the neighborhood around Motosumiyoshi, where I live, are generally small. They are set in private backyards, along streets, on street corners, or next to big temples. Some are Shinto, some are Buddhist; some are private, some are commemorative, and some have been erected in memory of a person who died nearby. They are all well-kept by their owners, family members and members of the community. Anyone can stop by the shrines with public access, put their hands together, pause for a moment of silence, bow, then continue on their way. Shrines make good painting subjects; they eliminate questions about the subject matter.

油彩におけるいくつかの技術的問題を追究するために、私はneighbourhood shrines: 祠ほこら(神を祀る小さな社やしろ)をテーマに選びました。理由は、それが普遍的なものだからです。誰もが理解するように、社やしろは人間がそれを介して神聖なものへとつながる一つの道を象徴しています。私が住む元住吉界隈の祠は小さなものがほとんどです。私道に立っていたり、通り沿いや曲がり角や大きな寺院の傍らに立っていたりします。神道のものや仏教のもの、私設のものや祈念碑的なもの、また近くで亡くなった人のために建立されたものもあります。いずれもその所有者、家族、地区構成員によってきちんと維持されています。道を行く人はそこで足を止め、手を合わせ、黙祷し、お辞儀をし、また歩き始めます。このように、神社仏閣は誰にとっても明白な意味を持つものなので、鑑賞者に主題についての疑問を抱かせることのない、たいへん扱いやすい画材なのです。

The objective of this project is to discover how to give greater resonance to a painting through the subtle alteration of color and value without removing the element of "realism" and turning the composition into a subjective interpretation which practitioners might find at odds with their beliefs. That is, the aim is to give emphasis to the "is" of reality rather than making it a personal interpretation of "is."
These Neighborhood Shrines are also a continuation of my exploration in color. In this project, I want to study the various tones of green and their resulting mixture with a limited palette of several reds, 2 yellows and a blue. Some combinations are surprisingly beautiful, a few I hve found difficult to work with, and one red I would recommend my students mix rather than buying pre-mixed.

The painting technique involves a combination of loose applications of lights and darks for vegetation and rigid declarations of buildings and structures. The realistic appearance of the images is retained. Only color and lighting have been altered to give greater accent to the composition.

Beyond these technical exercises, there is also the challenge of trying to capture the spirit of these urban shrines with their mundane surroundings. It is my hope that the viewer will be able to perceive a glimmer here and there of the mysterious.  いう都会の祠の精神を把握することにも挑戦しました。鑑賞者のみなさまが神秘的なもののあちらこちらに微かな光を見つけてくださることを願っています。

翻訳者: 藤原真実先生  (Translation by Prof. Mami Fujiwara)

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